Hands-on Pressure Canning Workshop

Food ownership begins with growing a garden and raising your meat. It ends yearly with your ability to keep the larder and freezers filled. Finally, it allows you to consume the bounty of your hard work well into the winter months.

The fear of canning, specifically pressure canning, stems from the unknown. Preserving food is no longer taught from generation to generation and is most certainly not taught in schools. Therefore, Acorn Creek is excited to have a class dedicated to pressure canning.

Ann is teaching this hands-on pressure canning workshop, the face behind A Farm Girl in the Making, in her place of refuge, right here on the farm! Ann is also the author of, The Farm Girl’s Guide to Preserving the Harvest, which holds many #1 Best Selling titles on Amazon, including the #1 Best Selling Book in Food Preservation. 

Both Justin and Ann understand the importance of teaching the science behind food preservation and traditional methods still practiced worldwide. Both scientific and traditional practices have a place in how we preserve foods in the modern world.

This hands-on pressure canning workshop will have you walking away with newfound confidence and the knowledge needed to fill your larder with foods that store long-term!

Workshop Curriculum 

The class not only offers you the confidence needed to pressure can the season’s harvest, but you will also gain the knowledge needed to preserve your foods for long-term storage safely. 

During this hands-on class session, you will learn:

  • Identifying high and low-acidic foods
  • What is Botulism and how to avoid it in home canned goods
  • The components of a pressure canner
  • Preparing jars for canning – what you’re not told
  • Determining the correct processing time and PSI
  • Understanding the National Center for Home Food Preservation’s website and other websites
  • Tips for canning meat, winter squash, vegetables, soups, stews, and tomato products
  • What to avoid when pressure canning food at home
  • How to properly store home canned goods

You will learn how to pressure can chicken and vegetable soup, which you will be able to take home to enjoy at a later date. 

Book a Hands-on Workshop

We are happy to share that Acorn Creek Farmstead will offer two pressure canning classes during the 2025 harvest season! Join us in learning how to preserve the season’s bounty for long-term storage.

Available hands-on workshop dates for 2025:

Space is limited for this hands-on workshop. Reserving your spot now ensures you are on the path to achieving food freedom.

  • August 2, 2025
  • 11 am to 2 pm
  • Workshop Cost – $70.00
  • September 6, 2025
  • 11 am to 2 pm
  • Workshop Cost – $70.00